POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.programming : Infinate cylinders : Re: Infinate cylinders Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:05:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: Infinate cylinders  
From: Nieminen Mika
Date: 26 Jul 1999 03:13:23
Message: <379c0a93@news.povray.org>
our### [at] hotmailcom wrote:
: While a #while loop would do a good job of simulating such an array, I
: was hoping for a poly, cubic, quartic or quadric that would produce such
: a shape (an infinate 2D array of infinately long cylinders).

  I don't think you can make any repeating pattern with a polynomial
equation. I may be wrong though...
  Usually for repeating patterns you need some repeating function (like sine
or cosine). It may be possible with the superpatch.

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